Subsembly XS2A API Release Notes
- Neue Capabilities Flags hinzugef�gt, welche anzeigen, dass ein Polling der Continue Mthoden erlaubt ist.
- Neues Flag ScraperResult.DecoupledResponseNeeded hinzugef�gt, das anzeigt, dass eine Decoupled Freigabe ohne TAN erwartet wird.
- Anpassung DKB Kreditkarten Screen-Scraper.
- Anpassung Commerzbank Screen-Scraper
- Anpassung Santander Zinia Amazon Visa Screen-Scraper
- Neuer ING Business Screen-Scraper
- Der ScraperFinTS kann jetzt mit einer gew�hlten Priorit�t registriert werden. Durch den Aufruf ScraperFinTS.Register(Scraper.SCRAPERPRIORITY_HIGH) wird der ScraperFinTS vor allen anderen, echten Screen-Scrapern herangezogen. Dadurch wird insbesondere bei der Commerzbank FinTS bevor Screen-Scraping verwendet.
- Anpassung TF Bank Screen-Scraper
- Anpassung Bank Norwegian Screen-Scraper
- Neuer Scraper f�r Santander Zinia Amazon Visa.
- First Data Scraper entfernt, da die Webseite nicht mehr existiert.
- ScraperNewLbb komplett entfernt, da die Webseite nicht mehr existiert.
- Scraper f�r Barclays Tagesgeld komplett erneuert.
- Fix for Commerzbank Screen-Scraper.
- Refactoring of ScraperProductInfo and ScraperCreditCardInfo into a unified ScraperProductInfo.
- Changed parameters of ScraperUtil.ParseValue method.
- Removed legacy ScraperMilesMore replaced by ScraperNewDKB.
- Removed legacy ScraperDKB replaced by ScraperNewDKB.
- Added Bank Norwegian Screen Scraper.
- Added TF Bank Screen Scraper.
- Added Suresse Direkt Bank Screen Scraper.
- Added BMW Bank Screen Scraper.
- Adapted BW Bank Screen-Scraper.
- C24 Bank Scraper now also supports download of more than 30 new transactions.
- All new Commerzbank Scraper.
- Improved new DKB Screen Scraper.
- Adapted Commerzbank Screen Scraper.
- Adapted Hanseatic Bank Screen Scraper.
- Improved Santander Screen Scraper.
- ScraperCmd sample now compiled for .NET 6
- All new ScraperNewDKB that replaces the pervious ScraperDKB and the ScraperMilesMore. The old scrapers are still included for compatibility reasons, but may be removed at a later time.
- Fully removed the old, no longer working, ScraperPostbank.
- Various Scraper fixes.
- Fixed American Express Screen Scraper.
- ATTENTION: The ScraperFinTS was refactored into a separate assembly "Subsembly.Scraper.FinTS.dll". If you want to use the ScraperFinTS, you have to add a reference to this assembly and call ScraperFinTS.Register() in order to make the ScraperFinTS available.
- Improved/Fixed various screen scrapers.
- Improved/Fixed various screen scrapers.
- Refactoring: IService.GetIconName was replaced by IService.GetProductInfo. The new ScraperProductInfo contains the IconName as one of its properties.
- ACHTUNG: Erweitertes Tracing. Neuer globaler HttpClient.TraceSwitch.
- Improved/Fixed various screen scrapers.
- Added new LBB/Amazon/ADAC credit card screen scraper.
- Improved/Fixed various screen scrapers.
- Improved/Fixed various screen scrapers.
- Added english text resources.
- Added ScraperResultChallengeType.NoTAN.
- Improved/Fixed various screen scrapers: Postbank, DKB, BarclayCard, Commerzbank, and N26,
- Improved/Fixed FinTS access.
This version extends the API in order to support strong customer authentication (SCA) with screen scrapers and FinTS. IMPORTANT: These changes break compatibility with existing code. Please review the following notes and the documentation carefully and update your code correspondingly.
- Added the ScraperResultCode QueryResponseNeeded which may be returned by Login. If QueryResponseNeeded is returned,the missing data must be obtained from the user and Login shall be called again.
- From the Interface IScraperSession methods have been moved into separate IScraperSessionAccountInformation, IScraperSessionDocuments, and IScraperSessionPayments interfaces.
- IScraperSession now has an additional method ContinueLogin that must be called in order to resolve a ScraperResultCode.ChallengeResponseNeeded.
- IScraperSessionAccountInformation has an additional method ContinueDownloadStatement that must be called if DownloadStatement returns ChallengeResponseNeeded.
- In order to avoid additional TAN requests when downloading statement data, the ScraperSession.MaxStatementDays ist now 90 for all scrapers.
- Fixed Commerzbank Scraper problem when downloading data for multiple accounts with a single login.
- Extended ScraperDKB to support login with SCA.
- In order to use the FinTS scraper he new, static property ScraperFinTS.ProductRegisterNo must be set, and ScraperFinTS.ProductVersion may be set.
- the ScraperCmd sample application was extended to handle the new SCA requirements of PSD 2.
- ATTENTION: Starting with this version a license token is required for using the Subsembly XS2A API. The provided license token "ScraperLicense.jwt" could be copied into the same folder as the Subsembly XS2A API assemblies. Alternatively the token could be passed to static method ScraperLicense.SetLicenseToken().
- Release is now built for .NET Standard 2.0. Please read the documentation for the new platform and installation requirements!
- Added IScraper.ClassName property. Every scraper implementation can now also be identified and selected using its class name.
- Added ScraperService.FindScraper(sClassName) to find a particular scraper implementation by its well known class name.
- Added IScraperSession.UserDetails property, that can be used by scrapers to provide any additional information about a logged in user and its cards and/or accounts.
- Added ScraperCsvRevolut CSV importer.
- Added additional ScraperResultCode WrongCredentials that shall be used exclusively when the given login credentials are proven to be wrong. For other login errors LoginFailure or any other failure shall be returned.
- An invalid IBAN in a SWIFT MT-940 no longer leads to an exception.
- Rewrite Updates VW Bank and Audi Bank Screen Scraper.
- Rewrite AmEx Screen Scraper.
- Many more Screen-Scraper updates.
- Removed parameter fIncludeFinTS from ScraperService.RegisterBuiltInScrapers(). The FinTS scraper must be installed by calling ScraperFinTS.Register(). Also, the ScraperDummy must now be explicitly installed by calling ScraperService.RegisterDummyScraper().
- Every IScraper now has a Priority property which controls the search order when looking for a scraper that can handle a particular account.
- Added ScraperCapabilities.IsTestSystem which indicates whether a scraper provides access to a test system only.
- Added ScraperCapabilities.ImplementsPayments and IScraperSessionPayments for implementing payment initiations in scrapers. This is currently in testing and is only implemented by the ScraperDummy, yet.
- Added ScraperPostbank
- Added ScraperAdvanzia
- Fixed Moneyou
- Fixed VW Bank
- Fixed FinTS
- Updated the FinTS scraper to properly support persisting the ScraperContactFinTS.
- Added and improved several Scrapers.
- Added ScraperResultCode.LoginFailure.
Version 1.0.0
- Initial release!