Enum SwiftExceptionCode
The SwiftExceptionCode classifies the nature of a SwiftException.
Namespace: Subsembly.Swift
Assembly: Subsembly.Sepa.dll
public enum SwiftExceptionCode
Name | Description |
BadCharacter | A character that is not part of the SWIFT character set was encountered. |
BadStart | The very first significant character of the input stream was neither a colon nor a dash. This probably is no SWIFT data at all. |
CannotConvert | Thrown by SwiftMX when conversion is not possible. |
CannotGenerate | Thrown when a valid SwiftField cannot be generated from the data. |
GotchaBtxCRLF | A BTX CRLF sequence (@@) was found, but was not permitted by the given SwiftOptions. |
GotchaNoLeadingCRLF | No leading CRLF sequence was found, but was required by the given SwiftOptions. |
GotchaNonSwiftTag | A BTX Non-Swift Tag (NS) was found, but was not permitted by the given SwiftOptions. |
MalformedBlock | The SwiftBlock reader encountered a malformed block structure. |
MalformedCRLF | A malformed CRLF sequence was found (e.g. CR without LF, LF without CR). |
MalformedDataSourceScheme | A malformed generic SWIFT field DataSourceScheme was encountered. Either it contains an illegal character or its length is wrong. |
MalformedEndOfText | The End-of-Text marker is not followed by another field, another marker or the end of the input stream. |
MalformedFieldContent | The content of the field could not be interpreted. When this exception code is present, then the property Field of the SwiftException is set to reference the SwiftField in question. |
MalformedQualifier | A malformed generic SWIFT field Qualifier was encountered. Either it contains an illegal character or its length is wrong. |
MalformedTag | A malformed SWIFT field Tag was encountered. Either it contains an illegal character or no colon delimiter was found. |
UnexpectedEndOfStream | The input stream was exhausted in the middle of an incomplete SWIFT field. |
UnexpectedField | The facing SWIFT field was not expected in the context of the current message type and processing state. |
UnexpectedFieldContent | The content of the field could be parsed, but the parsed content is not allowed in the current context. When this exception code is present, then the property Field of the SwiftException is set to reference the SwiftField in question. |
UnknownField | The tag of the facing SWIFT field is not known by the currently processed message type. |