Enum FinDialogResultCode
Enumerates the possible return values from FinDialog banking methods and other banking activites. Generally all online banking activities can either complete successfully, need user input, fail, or be aborted by the user.
Namespace: Subsembly.FinTS
Assembly: Subsembly.FinTS.Core.dll
public enum FinDialogResultCode
Name | Description |
Cancelled | The online banking activity was cancelled by the user and thus was not completed. This result is only possible when using an interactive user interface. |
Error | The request failed because the bank returned an FinTS error code. |
ErrorProtocol | A logical FinTS protocol error was found. The server is probably faulty. |
ErrorSecurityMedia | A security media related error occured. |
ErrorWrongPin | |
Exception | The online banking activity failed due to some error condition. |
NeedDecoupled | A DECOUPLED confirmation is needed in order to continue. Challenge information is provided with the FinDialogResult. To continue a DECOUPLED confirmation, the method SendDecoupled(String) must be invoked. |
NeedTan | A TAN confirmation is needed in order to continue. Challenge information is provided with the FinDialogResult. After obtaining the TAN or to continue after a DECOUPLED confirmation, the method SendTan(String, String, FinResponseHHDUC) must be invoked. |
NotSupported | The requested order type of function is not supported by the server or implementation. |
SelectTanMedia | A TAN media must be selected. This may be returned when trying to begin a dialog, or as a result of calling ChooseTanMedia(). To recover from this error, a TAN procedure must be selected set into TanMediaName. After that, the same method can be retried. |
SelectTanProc | A TAN procedure must be selected. This may only be returned when trying to begin a dialog. To recover from this error, a TAN procedure must be selected set into SecurityFunction. After that, the logon can be retried. |
Success | The online banking activity completed successfully. |